Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The First Mile

The weather today has been glorious.  So warm that the girls and I played outside without jackets.  We played outside before lunch and after naps I'm going to make sure we play outside some more.  It's just too beautiful a day to not spend it out in nature.  With that being said, I decided that today I was going to get back on track with exercising.  So I hauled out the double-jogging stroller, strapped the girls in, and went for my first jog of the new year.  I call it a jog, but really it was barely more than a power-walk, if that.  I felt pathetically slow.  My excuse, though, is that I was pushing 60 pounds of little girls plus the stroller.  Regardless, we made it around the temple and back (LOVE being so close to the temple yet again... it was one of the things I was the most sad about leaving Logan, but now we are actually closer to the temple) which turned out to be just over a mile.  Not very far but I figured the 15 minutes it took us to do the one mile was a good ease-back-into-jogging time and distance.  Last year I realized- for the first time in my life- that I enjoy jogging, and I went pretty consistently.  Hopefully today is the start of me getting back on the wagon and exercising regularly.  After all, weaning Kallie is going pretty well, but less feedings equals less calories burned for me... and that means I have to portion what I eat.  Ugh.  So I don't really look at exercising as a weight-loss program for me, but rather a don't-gain-weight program.  Hope I'm not the only one that does that!  :)  

Speaking of exercising, Kallie has decided to follow her big sister's lead and has become quite a climber. This morning I walked into the living room to find Kallie like this:  
She was so proud of herself for climbing on the chair to get on the desk that she couldn't stop smiling for several minutes after I got her down.  She and Julie sure do keep me on my toes!

1 comment:

  1. What a delightful picture of Kallie! She's such a happy girl. Love her to pieces!
