Tuesday, February 4, 2014

"J"s, drama, and love "bombs"

The other day Julie was drawing on some paper when she turned to me and said, "Mom, I drew a J".  I looked and she had indeed drawn the letter J.  She is so proud to be able to draw the first letter in her name, she now writes it all the time.  We're still working on what other letters are in her name... she always forgets U.  Still, for not being 3 1/2 yet, I'd say she's doing ok. :)

Kallie has recently decided to try out her dramatic side.  Whenever she is upset with me (usually because I set her down so I can actually get something done around the apartment) she flops her body onto the floor and pretends to cry.  It is pretty comical, and I have a hard time not laughing out loud... don't want to encourage this behavior too much! It usually only last a couple seconds, but the other day she did it for long enough that I was able to snap this photo:

Totally different subject, but now that it's February, it's time for Valentine's crafts.  I'm not sure why, but I LOVE Valentine's Day.  It probably has something to do with my ultra-romantic father.  Arek is not so out-wardly romantic, but I still like to plan fun crafts for Julie and fun heart-or-pink-themed foods for Valentine's.  We haven't begun to make her cards for friends and cousins yet, but yesterday we made our first craft.  Normally I have to come up with my own material, but now that I have the internet (and pinterest!) at my disposal, this year we're trying out some new ideas.  Here's a play-by-play of our Explosion of Love craft, (or Love "Bomb" which I found on Pinterest)
1. Julie helped me cut lots of confetti from scrap cardstock I had
2. I taped a heart onto cardstock
3. I put glue all around the outside of the heart, then spread it around with my fingers so it came to the edge of the heart

4. Julie had a blast sprinkling confetti all over the picture - and the table and floor!
5. We took of the heart and - Viola! - Explosion of Love :)

Random photo of fun Daddy-daughter time from the weekend.  These girls love their daddy!

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