Saturday, September 24, 2011

Cousin Time

Julie and her cousin Lilly are fast becoming best friends. (they are 5 months apart) They are both so curious about each other and suprisingly gentle with each other. And they love doing things together with their Grandma Higgs! Here're some pictures of their adventures this weekend:
Also, Julie loves chilling with her Uncle Jared

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Little Miss Climber

Yesterday I was putting laundry in the machine when I turned around to find Julie doing this: Luckily I got to her before she fell... but I had to snap this photo first. Arek was at Young Men's and I knew he wouldn't believe me unless I had visual proof

Monday, September 12, 2011

Sunday Afternoons

This is what happens pretty much every Sunday: I go to ward choir and I come home to find Arek and Julie napping, either on the couch or on our bed. What does this mean? It means that they get an hour long nap every Sunday and I don't. Hmm... Oh well... Who could stay mad at people this cute, right? :)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Great Weekend Continued - Photos

Finally found the camera charger... it was on the bathroom counter. No idea how I couldn't see THAT one! Anyway, here are a couple of photos from last weekend, taken just before the camera died.Grandma Glad and Aunt Dani played with Julie while I went to the sealingJulie loved all the fountains around Temple SquareJulie loves her blankie and her GrandmaJustine and her husband EricCongrats, Justine!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Great Weekend

Happy (Belated) Labor Day! We had a great long weekend. Unfortunately, I have no pictures of it because our camera battery ran out of juice and I cannot find our re-charger. Grr! Hopefully it will appear in a day or two. We went down south for a couple of days, to visit family, but mostly to go to my friend's wedding. Justine made a beautiful bride. I am so happy for her! I got a picture of the two of us, but like I said, our battery is now dead, so I will have to wait to post it.

Also, Julie is now a walking fool. She has been toddling around for the past month or so, but just this past week she has really taken off. She LOVES to show off her new and improved walking skills, and Arek and I are happy to chase after her. She is such a big girl now... I can't believe she'll be one at the end of the month. Time sure does fly!

Well, hopefully I will find the battery charger soon so I can post new pictures.