Monday, November 8, 2010

Update and Smiles

Ok, so I have been a BIG blog slacker since our baby was born. Julie Michelle Higgs was born on Spetember 28 which means she is already 6 weeks old (as of tomorrow). We are all doing great. Postpartum period is officially over and both mom and dad are finally adjusting to the new sleep schedule (or lack thereof). The main reason I haven't updated before now is because we don't have the internet at home and it has been difficult to get out often enough to check my email, let alone blog. The other reason is because I am a lazy blogger. Yes, I admit it. But, I will try to update at least once a month. But right now I have to go pick up Arek from school, so I'll leave you with Julie's newest trick - smiling. She is a little camera-shy... this is the only photo we could get of her actually smiling, but she loves to be tickled. She can't laugh yet but her face lights up. It's super cute.