Tuesday, April 20, 2010

One Year Older and Wiser, Too!

Saturday was Arek's 25 birthday. Here are some photos of the festivities:
Arek decided he wanted a decorated cake... I thought and thought and finally decided to make him a car cake. This is the before-photo
And here's the finished result! :) Arek and I were both very impressed with my abilities (and it tasted good, too!)
Saturday was the only day we were able to visit Arek's cousin who just got back from Afghanistan. So we spent all day up in Idaho playing with his cousins. Of course, being Higgs boys, they had to go shooting!
Here is one of the surprises I did for Arek: 25 things I love about him. I also gave him a bag of salt water taffy and a book he has really been wanting, "The Pacific"... HBO has recently made a mini-series about it.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

It's a Good Life

So I realized lately that I haven't blogged in several weeks. The main reason is because I always forget my camera when I go to the library, so I never have any photos to post even though we DO occasionally take them. The past few weeks have been wonderful, as well as fairly busy. Arek is finishing up the last few weeks of school and cannot wait to be done for the summer. Easter/Conference weekend was fabulous. We went down south and just spent a lot of time with siblings. Arek and I even dyed eggs and Easter morning I hid them and made Arek and my sister Dani search for them.
Really, we are just happy. Enjoying life together... taking long walks around Logan when it is sunny and looking in stores, making plans for things we one day want to own. It is just fun. There are hardships, but mostly I am just so grateful for the love my Heavenly Father has for me and Arek. I am grateful to be married to such a wonderful man who never ceases to bring a smile to my lips.
To wrap up (because there really isn't a reason for this post, mostly just to ramble) here's a photo I stole from my sister's facebook page of the eggs we decorated for Easter. Hope everyone is having a wonderful spring!