Thursday, May 15, 2014


A few weeks ago Julie discovered one of my scarves that I bought years ago, I think when I was in high school, but I don't recall ever wearing it more than once or twice.  This scarf has quickly become one of Julie's favorite dress-up items (it IS pink, after all).  This is how she likes to wear it: 

I'm not sure how she came up with it (I didn't show it to her), but every time she dons the scarf I think of Grace Kelly riding with Cary Grant in a convertible, "To Catch a Thief" style.  It never fails to put a smile on my face.  Just goes to show that you some clothing items (and how they are worn) are truly timeless.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Walking with Dinos

Saturday we decided to have an adventure and go visit the Dinosaur Museum in Ogden.  It was a gorgeous sunny, hot May day, but with plenty of water, sunscreen, and snacks, we were all set.  
 The girls enjoyed the walk, trying to find all the dinosaurs.  
 I know it was completely ridiculous, but wandering through the wooded path looking for dinosaurs made me feel like I was in "Jurassic Park". I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I was a little nervous that the dinosaurs were going to come to life and eat us!  
 Julie and Arek thought it was so funny that someone put a binkie in the triceratop's mouth
 We were shocked that Kallie stayed in the stroller for most of the walk; usually she detests being in the double stroller.  
 We rarely get all 4 of us in the same picture, but a very nice gardener came up to us and asked if he could take a picture for us.  Thanks!

It also surprised me how much Julie was interested in my reading the fact-boards about each dinosaur.  She also came up with stories for what each dinosaur was doing; most of them were along the lines "that dinosaur is looking for their baby".   
 After looking at all the dinosaurs the girls played at the dinosaur park
 Cozy with the hatching triceratops... I still think of these as "3-horns" from the original "Land Before Time" that I must have watched a million times as a kid  :)

Such a fun family outing!