Wednesday, February 8, 2012

14 Day fo Valentine's, Part 1

We are halfway done with the 14 Days of Valentine's. So far it's going really well. Arek is loving having a surprise to look forward to every day, and I am having a blast surprising him. Here's what I've done for days 1-8:

Day 1 - Valentine's Mailbox with homemade card explaining the 14 Days & Baby Ruth candy barDay 2 - Tootsie Roll Jar
Day 3 - Love crossword, with all the Q&A's being about usDay 4 - Big breakfast: red waffles, sausage, eggs, orange juice, and hot chocolate
Day 5 - Jar of reasons why I love him... here's two pictures of all the reasons laid out and the
finished jar
Day 6 - Box of Ferrero Rocher chocolates... some of Arek's absolute favorites
Day 7 - Heart-shaped sugar cookies
Day 8 - Love message on the bathroom mirror

There are still some good things left... but I'll have to wait to post them until I've done them. What's Julie been up to? Unfortunately she has caught the croup, so she's been coughing a lot the past few days. Luckily we caught it early and she is taking some steroids and also we bought a humidifier, so she is feeling better every day. Unfortunately, she passed the croup along to her friend before we realized she had it. :( So our days have been more mellow than usual, but Julie is still her happy self despite her coughing fits. Hopefully by the end of the week she'll be all better

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