Monday, February 22, 2010

Speaking in Church

In the little-over year and a half that Arek and I have been married, I think we have been asked to speak in Church five times. I do not mind so much, as long as we are given specific topics and as long as I write my whole talk out on the computer first... I do not do well speaking in front of people if I don't know EXACTLY what I am going to say. Well, two weeks ago we were asked to speak again, but this time the assignment was different than I've ever had before. We were asked to speak, not in our ward (where we have just spoken three or four months ago) but in an assisted living center a few blocks from where we live. And we were given no topics. So, after hem-ing and haw-ing for a week trying to figure out what to speak on, I finally decided a topic and got it all written. Arek jotted down his scriptures and basic outline for his talk on a piece of paper, and Sunday morning we drove to the assisted living center to participate in their sacrament meeting. It ended up being so much fun! The people were so cute! As we were entering the room one of the little ladies looked at my scarf (it is fluffy and white) and asked me how many cats I skinned to make it! It made Arek and me laugh pretty good. Anyway, our talks went well (mine was about Temples, Arek's was about Happiness) and we just had a lovely Sabbath morning.

So I don't really know that I have a point to writing this entry, just to say how much it suprised me that I enjoyed speaking in a church setting. The congregation was just really cute and so nice. We then finished the great Sunday by going to our own ward's meetings and teaching our little sunbeams about Day and Night. They got really into talking about the sun and moon and stars! All in all, it just reminded me how blessed I am. Life is wonderful! Hope all of your Sabbath day's were so good!


  1. I love going to the assisted living center to do sacrament meeting. So fun! those people are a hoot. There is one in my ward back home and every time Jax and I go we visit. Jax made a new best friend there before we got married and he's pretty much part of our lives now haha. We've only been asked to speak twice I write down my whole talk word for word too. I can't stand not! Looks like you and Arek and Me and Jax are a lot alike.

  2. I had no idea you guys had a blog!!! That's fabulous! Thanks for stalking us, and we will feel free to stalk you guys as well :) Much love to you guys!
