Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas Stocking

I have finally finished Julie's Christmas stocking! So no longer does her stocking look like this:
It now looks like this:
I must admit I was very happy with how it turned out. The back is red velveteen, like the little hanger you can see in the picture. Next year I'll see about making new stockings for Arek and me so we have a matching set


  1. Wooooow!!!!! How amazing is that? It looks like that would take an eternity to make. Well done Momma Tami.

  2. Holy cute! Is that cross stitched? Did you just buy it as a kit or something? I love it!

  3. thanks :) yes it's cross-stitch. I have a book with a ton of stocking patterns and then it has instructions for sewing it into an actual stocking. The cross-stitch took a long time... pretty much every spare moment when Julie was napping or had gone to bed. But the stocking was easy to sew (with my mom's help because I didn't have a machine at the time)
