Julie loves going outside. Unfortunately, the only time she gets to go outside without her carseat is to walk the 10 yards to the mailbox and back. This entails getting her all bundled up in her Carter's bear outfit, which she suprisingly never fusses about getting into. It's only about a two minutes outing but she loves it! I can't wait to take her on long walks and play days when the weather turns warmerJulie loves being able to sit up in her bumbo
We discovered Julie's first real "owie" the other day on her elbow... and neither of knew where she got it. That's kids for you, right? :)
Our family officially started June 26, 2008, when we were married in the Bountiful Temple. We have a beautiful daughter, Julie, who makes life both interesting and amazing! We love playing games, watching movies, reading books, talking, and laughing.
Julie in her bumbo.. that is freaking cute. I love her open-mouthed smile. She looks extra pretty in that sleeping picture.