Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Major Accomplishment

So it's been a while... and I forgot my camera at home, so no pictures, sorry... next time, I promise. BUT Julie has officially slept through the night. She'd gotten pretty good at waking up only once, but then around the new year she caught a cold and went back to two or three times a night. So finally last week she got over her cold and started waking up only once again. I was so happy. Then yesterday was rough... she didn't nap as well as she usually does and she was fussy all evening. But she finally fell asleep around 11 and this morning she didn't wake up until 8:40, when I had to wake her up to feed and change her before taking Arek to school. I was so proud of her. And she didn't even wake up screaming for food... just my bright eyed, smiley morning baby. So, hopefully it was not a fluke, and Julie really is starting to sleep through the night. Arek and I got to bed by midnight and my body woke up at 7:30 all by itself, and let me tell you, 7 1/2 hours of straight sleep never felt so good! :)

1 comment:

  1. I bet that feels nice! Nothing like a good night sleep. Julie is so sweet. I had fun meeting her a few weeks ago :)
