Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

I admit, St. Patrick's Day is probably the holiday I celebrate the least.  However, I'm always a fan of 1) seasonal craft projects to do with Julie and  2) making goodies.  

1) For St. Patrick's Day I forego-ed pinterest (shocking, I know!) and came up with my own craft for Julie to make today. 
This is the necklace I made for Kallie... Julie's is far less symmetrical and
 much cooler-looking, but she was wearing it when I wanted to take a close-up picture
 Ta da!  Shamrock and rainbow bead necklace.  Julie LOVED playing in my old bead container and picking which colors to string onto her necklace.  The only down side of this activity: having to keep the beads on the table because Kallie is at the age of "if it's on the ground and I find it, it's going into my mouth".  We probably should have done this craft while Kallie was napping.  Still, it was a success.  

I'm sure we'll be making more bead necklaces in the future.  

2) I see any holiday (and the time in-between holidays) as a good excuse to make cookies.  St. Patrick's in no exception, so I decided to try a new recipe, a lime-jello sugar cookie recipe.  
The girls LOVED the cookies, I thought they were ok, and Arek didn't even finish one.  Apparently my dear husband doesn't like lemon (which I knew) OR lime flavors.  Hmm... well, more for me and the girls, I guess.  Next time I make these I think I'll try using a different flavor jello; see if that wins over Arek.  Not that I don't like eating more cookies, but my waistline definitely doesn't, especially now that I'm no longer nursing  :)  

On a completely different note, we are SO excited to buy Frozen tomorrow.  We are going to have a pizza party to celebrate - where we eat our pizza dinner in the living room while watching a movie, in this case, Frozen.  I remember eating pizza in the living room while watching a movie from back when I was a kid, and I love carrying on this tradition.  Here's to watching the full "Frozen" movie instead of all the clips on the Disney website!  

1 comment:

  1. Love the necklace! You are so creative! And Julie looks adorable wearing hers! Hope you enjoy your pizza and movie night! Love you'
