Daddy coming home from work is an event that is greatly celebrated in our house. Both girls usually drop whatever they are doing, scream enthusiastically, and have endless smiles and hugs for him. I have discussed this with many other moms, and we all agree that daddy's are much more exciting than mommy's, especially by the time 5:30 rolls around. And who could blame my girls for thinking Arek is the greatest thing since yogurt raisins (their favorite treat at the moment)? Especially when he does fun tricks like this:
Note: I love how they are both pointing to him |
Oh yeah, they eat up every idea he puts in their heads. It's adorable.
Julie never ceases to entertain us with what she says and does. I'm sure anyone who has spent any time around any 3 year old know how funny they are. I like to refer to things Julie says as "Julie-isms". This morning I walked into the kitchen and Julie was loading up her backpack with food. When I asked her why she said, "Mom, this is my lunch. I'm going to school today". After doing a "school" project of matching colors on a rainbow, she broke out her backpack and I got to see what her lunch consisted of:
- 3 or 4 vanilla and chocolate snack-pack puddings
- pretzels
- goldfish crackers
- tropical fruit cocktail
Nothing like a well-balanced diet. :)
Julie loves to play dress-up. In fact, it's almost all we play together. She only has two dress-up dresses (Rapunzel and Cinderella) but she happily pretends they are the gorgeous gowns of all the Disney princesses, Elsa and Aurora being the favorites at the moment. Kallie, Arek, and I get to alternate between being Anna, the mean guy (meaning Hans from Frozen), Prince Philip, the fairies, and Maleficent, and the step sisters and Prince Charming when Cinderella is her movie of choice. It is super cute and she loves quoting actual dialogue from the movies. Can't wait to buy Frozen next week so we can move onto watching it instead of Sleeping Beauty. Not that I don't like Sleeping Beauty... but it's been 3 weeks of it once a day, almost every day, so we are ready to move onto a new film.
Playing with Kallie's Merida baby doll, who, this day, Julie named Tiana |
Playing Cinderella before the ball (hence the apron) |
Kallie the Climber
Kallie is huge into climbing lately. I know I posted about this a couple weeks ago, but it continues on, and she's so stinking cute I had to post more. It doesn't matter if she climbs on things:
or into things:
or if she's backwards:
She's so proud of herself!
Oh, and Kallie has now been officially weaned for going on 3 days. Hurray! It has definitely been harder to wean Kallie than it was with Julie. Kallie shed a lot more tears than Julie, and Arek and I got a lot less sleep as Kallie full-on screamed for more than an hour straight multiple nights in a row. But the past two nights she put herself to sleep with hardly any crying (less than 2 minutes), and last night she (finally!) slept through the night. Let's hope we have fewer nighttime screaming episodes now that she's used to not nursing at night.
Naptime Project - Skirt
A little bit ago I pinned this skirt idea

and decided I wanted to make it for my girls. So last weekend I finally bought some knit fabric and decided to see if it was as easy at it looked. It was. When the girls went down for their nap, I read my scriptures and then put on Enchanted for background noise and got to work. From start to finish it took about an hour and a half, and it really shouldn't have taken that long, but I hem-ed and haw-ed before actually cutting, trying to make sure I didn't cut anything wrong.

I haven't made one for Kallie yet, but with my two yards that I bought I definitely have enough for both girls plus extra. It was not my favorite skirt to sew because I don't sew fabric onto elastic very neatly (if you see Julie wearing it don't look too closely at the stitching! - my machine was all over the place) but it was definitely the easiest skirt I've ever made. And Julie says she loves it, which is the entire point of the project- and how could she not love it, since it's pink? To Julie, pink makes anything awesome.
It even twirls great |