So far (at 6 1/2 months) we have tried rice cereal, oatmeal, avacados, sweet potatoes, and bananas. She tolerated most of them, but it wasn't until yesterday that I found something she loved: butternut squash. I made it Tuesday night and gave some to her on Wednesday, and Julie could not get enough of it! She actually opened her mouth and leaned TOWARDS the spoon, which is something she has never done before... usually she sucks on her fingers to keep me from putting the spoon in her mouth. So, thanks to Jaime (Arek's cousin) for suggesting it and telling me how to make it! *the picture is my messy girl after a feeding of sweet potatoes... she loves playing with her food!*
You lucky girl you! It is a blessing to have a child whose favorite food is a vegetable! lol :) She is so cute Tami!