Friday, September 3, 2010

One Month...

Today is September 3rd... which means it is just one month until our baby's due date. The past few weeks I have just been amazed at how close we are to having our little girl. Are we ready?!?! Baby item-wise I know we are not, but that will be rectified in about a week (my baby shower is next Saturday and then we can finally begin buying baby things that we don't get but need/want). Anyway, we are both super excited (and nervous!) to be parents and I think we are just going to be counting the weeks/days for our little one to arrive. Luckily there are lots of things happening this month to keep us busy. For instance: this weekend we are visiting my best friend who works in West Yellowstone, Montana. Next weekend is my baby shower. September 18 is my parents' house party - their house is 100 years old this year. September 25 is my birthday. Mix in doctor's appointments and more baby shopping, Arek's school and work schedules... and I think/hope September (and however much of October she chooses to stay inside) will pass by quickly. Anyway, this is mostly just my rambling thoughts... next week I promise to post something with pictures, which is almost certainly to be of our Yellowstone trip!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how close you are! I can't wait to see pictures of your little girl :) You guys are going to be wonderful parents! You are both very sweet and easy to love, and she will just adore you :) Keep us posted!
