Friday, March 12, 2010

Ode to Amazing Siblings

This post in LONG overdue. However, I have been spending very little time on the computer lately, and we don't have the internet at home so I often forget to update the blog... mostly because I forget to bring my camera with me! So, sorry.

Anyway, about 2 weeks ago both of my little sisters performed in their school's play. However, since they live in another country, I was unable to attend their performances. BUT, thanks to a father who takes loads of photos, and a mother who sends said photos to me via email, I got to feel like I could see Katherine and Rachel perform. I am so proud of them. They are both so animated and beautiful and, really, I couldn't ask for better sisters. The play was "The Phantom Tollbooth" (based on the kids book) and Rachel (age 10)was Milo, the lead, and Kat (age 14) played not one but THREE people in Digitropolis. My brother Ben (17) was also amazing and did tech for the show... lights and sound, I think. I can hardly wait to get the dvd of the performance that my dad is sending us. Way to go, Rachel, Katherine and Ben! :)

Rachel (as Milo) and Tock, the dog... I absolutely LOVE Rachel's spotted tights

Rachel and Katherine (Katherine is the tall one with the confused look on her face...
I think in this one she is the Duchess of Definition)

1 comment:

  1. How fun! Too bad they live in another country that must be rough for you. I feel deprived cause I only see my siblings every 3 or 4 months! Your sisters are truly cute.
