To celebrate Arek not having school (in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr., Day) we decided to drive up to Idaho Falls and visit Arek's brother Jared who is currently working for his Uncle Brian. We used to hang out with him all the time but since we moved to Logan and then he moved to Idaho Falls, we see him very little. Anyway, to make a long story short, we ended up going shooting with Jared and their cousin Jaxon and his wife, Brittany. We shot targets with a pistol, and AR-15 (? - I think that's what it was) and then we shot clay pigeons with shot guns. Non of us were up to par, but we had fun nonetheless. And to finish up the fun, we blew up a small propane bottle (see video below). That was pretty cool. Arek said it made us official rednecks. He's probably right...
Our targets, all set and ready to be shot

Shotgun shooting, Jared's turn to shoot, Jaxon's turn to throw
Take 2 of our propane explosion... the 1st one wasn't very impressive
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