Monday, January 25, 2010

Wintery Wonderland

I love snowy/frosty trees. I think they are one of the most beautiful things about winter. Last Sunday Arek and I decided to drive around Logan to see how many cool-looking trees we could find. Turns out we had to drive WAY out West to find them... for some reason all the trees in main Logan didn't have any frost or snow on them. Here's some of what we got:

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Shooting and "Redneck Fun"

To celebrate Arek not having school (in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr., Day) we decided to drive up to Idaho Falls and visit Arek's brother Jared who is currently working for his Uncle Brian. We used to hang out with him all the time but since we moved to Logan and then he moved to Idaho Falls, we see him very little. Anyway, to make a long story short, we ended up going shooting with Jared and their cousin Jaxon and his wife, Brittany. We shot targets with a pistol, and AR-15 (? - I think that's what it was) and then we shot clay pigeons with shot guns. Non of us were up to par, but we had fun nonetheless. And to finish up the fun, we blew up a small propane bottle (see video below). That was pretty cool. Arek said it made us official rednecks. He's probably right...

Our targets, all set and ready to be shot

Shotgun shooting, Jared's turn to shoot, Jaxon's turn to throw

Take 2 of our propane explosion... the 1st one wasn't very impressive

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Ribbons, Buttons, and Flowers, Oh My!

Last night I went to my wards relief society activity, and made hair clips, the kind that you put in little girls hair. Now, I know that I do not have any little girls, nor am I expecting one anytime within the next nine months, but, I have always wanted to learn how to make them. So voila: here they are. Who ever thought that you could create something so cute and cheap with only a hot glue gun, a little hair clip and some ribbon and buttons and flowers . Huzzah for creativeness... yet another thing I can store in my memory for future use.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Little Blue

Once again, Arek has reminded me how lucky I am to be married to a man who is a wiz with cars! A few weeks ago Arek discovered that the car I drive (who we fondly call Little Blue) has been leaking transmission fluid. Apparently that's NOT a good thing. So I stopped driving it for a few weeks until we were able to go down south to his parents house where he could fix it. So after a long day of taking apart the axle and getting new seals, only to discover that there was a ring missing, and searching all over the Salt Lake area for the part, he finally found one at the junk yard and put our car back together. Hurray! I am so lucky to have a husband that can fix almost any problem that happens with our apartment and our cars.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

An English Christmas

We love Christmas time. This year my parents were SO kind and bought us tickets to come spend the week before Christmas with them in England. We had such a wonderful time. Unfortunately, we did bring the snowy, bitter Logan weather with us, and it was blustery the entire week. It even snowed about an inch! something that hasn't happened there for several years. It was all right with us, though. It just meant that we got to spend extra time playing games with the family, and enjoying their company. It was also exciting to stay up late Christmas Eve with Katherine and Rachel and Ben and then to wake up early and see what Santa had brought us. Most of all, it was just wonderful to spend time with our families this Christmas.

All bundled up for a walk into town

One of my parent's many nativities

Rachel loves Arek... even when he is trying to nap