- Her smile and laugh. She is more serious than Julie was, and not so smiley, but when she does smile or giggle, it's precious.
- No thumb-sucking! We are still trying to wean Julie from her thumb, but without even trying, Kallie never latched onto a binkie or her thumb. Hurray! It has, unfortunately, meant that she does not sleep as well as Julie did at her age, but in the long run it will be heavenly. She does, however, like to have a blanket (any blanket... she's not picky) when she sleeps, though, so she can suck on that.
- Blue eyes. Kallie has beautiful dark blue eyes. When she sits with Arek their shared eye color makes me think she looks like him (even though I know right now she mainly resembles me as a baby)
Other things about Kallie:
- She can walk great, although her main objective in doing so is usually to get to Arek or me. She is branching out, though, and occasionally lets go of furniture and walks of her own free will. She is very pleased with herself her walking skills, and who could blame her? She gets a hardy applause from Julie every time she walks.
- Now that Kallie is 11 months it's time to start weaning to milk. Ugh. That is something I am NOT looking forward to. With Julie is was so easy; I just replaced a feeding once a week with a sippy cup of milk and by twelve months, VIOLA - she was weaned. Kallie, though, is must more particular about what she eats... she wouldn't eat ANY solid food until 10 months, and even now she is very picky about what foods she will eat. Plus, she has never taken a bottle of pumped milk or formula. This little girl LOVES nursing. So what's a mother to do? I am terrified of stopping cold-turkey, but I am afraid that's what it may come down to. Hopefully, though, she'll come around to liking milk soon. Fingers crossed! Otherwise, it's going to be a miserable journey for both of us!
#2 - Graduation! Arek graduated USU with his master's of science in Structural Engineering. I am SO proud of how hard he worked in school, and how well he did! Just trying to understand the things he tells me about his classes the past several years makes my brain hurt! I am such a lucky woman to be married to such a hard-working man. It is such a blessing to me that he was willing to work the extra amount to support us while studying so that I could be a stay-at-home mom. Out of the 4 1/2 years we were in school up at USU I only worked 1, so we really have been so incredibly blessed.
#3 - Employment! With graduation came job-hunting. Arek applied for jobs all over the country. To be honest, we were hoping to be able to get a job outside of Utah, and stretch our wings a bit. Not that we don't love Utah - or family! - but we thought it would be great to experience something new. However, we were SO blessed to be offered a job at ARW Engineers, in North Ogden, which we accepted. We are so glad this is where we ended up. Arek LOVES working there. The people, the work, everything. He has been working there over a month now and he comes home happy and excited every single day. They are a fantastic company, very family-oriented, and very good at what they do. You can read more about them here: www.arwengineers.com
So my plan is to update often, hopefully at least once a week. Now that we are employed we have the internet at home, so I shouldn't have anymore excuses not to keep this updated. Anyway, please check back often for more about what we're doing!