I know it's been ages since I last blogged about something. We have been having a fabulous summer though. We are loving all the time in the sun, the cool temperature of our basement apartment when the outside temperature is 90+, watching one of 4 Disney movies that Julie loves (the original Winnie the Pooh, Tangled, Cinderella, and The Little Mermaid... luckily they are all movies I love, too), and spending time together as a family now that Arek's evenings are free of homework. Here is some of what we've been doing:
- SEWING (at least I have been). My cross-stitch is getting so close to being done and ready to be framed. SO excited about that. Also, I decided to make Julie a dress for the 4th of July that could also dub as just a fun summer dress. Here's how it turned out

run up and down the hill, and take pictures.
I made the dress a 3T so it would fit Julie for a long time... it is a bit big but not by too much. I can't believe how big my 21 month old girl is!
It's been a long time since I made a bow for Julie's hair because she hates making them, but I had extra fabric so I decided to make a matching one for the dress. I got so excited when Julie wanted to wear it... I'm glad I snapped these pictures because as soon as they were taken she pulled it out of her hair and refused to wear it again. The dress she does like to wear, however... thank goodness! 
- FINGER PAINTING I decided to help Julie make Arek a picture frame for Father's Day with her handprints on it. She had never played with paints, but she loved it. Here are some shots of her playing in it after the frame was complete and set out of the destruction-zone.
We will definitely have to do this again sometime soon
- VISITING UNCLE JARED in Idaho. We also got to visit Arek's cousin Jaxon, his wife Britney, and their sweet newborn Eleanor. Julie had never been around such a little baby before and she loved it. She held her on her lap (with help, obviously), sat beside her,
- PLAYING WITH GRACIE, Julie's bff. Those two girls love each other. On days when we don't see Gracie and her mom (my friend, Nicole), Julie constantly asks me if we can. And almost every time we get in the car, Julie asks if we are going to Gracie's house. I love that she has such a good friend. We go to lots of parks together and also swim a ton.
- TEMPLE TRIPS We found a couple of walking paths from our new apartment that put the temple only about 1 mile away. We love to take trips there and sit by the fountain,
I love that the temple is so close. Earlier this month Arek's cousin got married there and it was so nice to be able to walk to the temple for the sealing.
We've been doing a lot more, but that at least helps fill in the blanks from the multi-week absence. Happy summer playing!