Here are some photos from our Thanksgiving weekend. I love seeing Julie and Lilly (who just turned 9 months and is already walking everywhere!) interact together. They get along so well and although they are too young to really “play” together, they are fascinated by each other and love to do things side by side. Here are some of their adventures from this past weekend at Grandma and Grandpa Higgs’ house.
Reading books with Grandpa
Julie taking movies off the shelf
Lilly taking movies off the shelf
Lilly pushing Julie (or trying to)
Climbing stairs together
Both girls made it to the top... Hurray!
Playing the piano with Grandma
Uncle Jared and his new puppy, Leigh... short for General Leigh (she's a girl)
Julie's still a bit shy, although she loves to LOOK at Leigh, just not touch
Helping to set up Christmas
The singing snowman tree... they were mezmerized by it