Thursday, March 31, 2011

I Dream of Jeannie

We have become HUGE fans of "I Dream of Jeannie" (you know... that old 60's show with the astronaut who finds a genie in a bottle lying on a beach) thanks to our wonderful library who we borrow obscene amounts of movies from each and every week. We rented the third season once just for fun and were immediately hooked. It is HILarious and so quirky and just f-u-n. So we spent the next five weeks watching seasons 1 thru 5. What we noticed though, is that while we were enjoying the episodes, Julie became hooked on the theme music. Sitting on the floor with her toys, she never even glanced at the tv screen until the opening credits and cartoon came on. Then she would stare at the screen (and "dance" in her little wiggle way) until the music ended and the show began. It was so funny.
So, if you haven't watched "I Dream of Jeannie" for several years (or decades... since it's an oldie) I HIGHLY recommend it. It's cheesy and fairly predictable, but it never fails to make Arek and me laugh out loud. And if nothing else, it has an awesome theme song... just ask Julie if you don't believe me!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sunday Afternoons

We love Sundays. We love our calling as Sunbeam teachers. This week they were extra exuberant, but it is still fun to teach them the stories and principles of the gospel. Julie enjoys the class, too… especially in sharing time when the boys in our class love to make faces at her that make her smile.

After Church we get to relax and enjoy lazy afternoons together. This week we got out all of my old stuffed animals (they went with our primary lessons on animals). Julie loved the new, soft “chew” toys. The turtle, especially she likes to throw about – at the time of this picture she tossed it in “jail”, which is in the crook of the bobby… you can see a small part of its back in the picture.

Arek’s favorite part of Sundays is when I go to ward choir for an hour… that’s when he and Julie take a long nap together. This is what I come home to find…

Aren’t they so cute? I can’t get enough of either of them!

After naps we play and watch movies for the rest of the evening… it’s always a practically perfect day of the week and I think: Can life get any better? Probably not.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

End of Spring Break

This weekend was filled with lots of family. It was a really great way to finish a really relaxing and nice spring break. This post is fairly long but has lots of pictures to make it worth while.


Saturday morning my brother Ben went through the temple for the first time. Arek’s parents babysat Julie for us (I’m not sure who was more grateful: us for them being willing to watch her… or them for being able to watch her). It was so awesome to be in the temple with my family again. We went to the Ogden Temple and my Grandpa Glad was able to officiate the endowment session like he did when both my sister Dani and I went through the temple.

The happy future missionary

The immediately family that was there (minus Arek who took the picture): me, Dad, Ben, Mom, and Dani

Arek and me being silly and happy at the Temple


Saturday night Julie was in need of a bath… so my parents pulled out this fun bathtub for her to sit it. She loved it! Bathtime has never been so much fun for her.

“Wo… this is different.”

When you squeeze the bill the duckie quacks… Julie thought it was awesome!


Sunday we went to Church with my family… it was awesome because I got to go to Relief Society for the first time in about a year and a half (Arek and I have teached Sunbeams for about that long). After Church we went with Arek’s parents and his brother Jared down to Provo to visit Jenny, Todd, and their new baby girl, Lilly. She’s about 2 ½ weeks now. It was so fun to visit with them and meet our new neice. She is so sweet and tiny. It will be fun in a few years when Lilly and Julie can play with each other.

Me getting to hold baby Lilly. Can you believe Julie was ever that small?... and smaller actually. Craziness. Babies grow big so fast!


When back at Arek’s parents we got our taxes done. Hurray! This is the latest we’ve ever done them before so we are glad they are over and done with. Since it was so warm (meaning 50’s) Arek took Julie outside. She loves all the sights and the fresh air.

Arek had Julie meet his family’s basset hound, Toby. After this photo was taken Julie’s face crumpled… guess dogs will take some getting used to.

I took this through the living room window (hence the glare). I love the way Julie and Arek are looking at each other.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Supper Time

Julie is now 5 months old so we have been slowly trying to get her used to eating baby food... and by that I mean rice cereal diluted with her milk. She is getting more accustomed to the different taste and texture, but she’s still more interested in looking at and grabbing her food than eating it. We think we are going to try avacados or sweet potatoes soon. Maybe she’ll like their flavors more than bland rice cereal.
It’s more fun to WEAR your food than to EAT it!
“Honestly, Mom, I can feed myself… let me show you!”

Monday, March 7, 2011

Family Outing

To celebrate Arek’s spring break from school this next week we decided to take a trip down south on Saturday to watch the BYU vs UofU rugby game at the Rio Tinto Stadium. Arek played rugby in high school and his brother Jared used to coach the Davis County team, so we like to support the sport and see games when we can. It was Julie’s first sporting event so we got her dressed warmly and put her in her stroller (the first time sitting up in it by herself and not in her carseat).

She loved the new vantage point from the stroller on the walk from the parked car to the stadium! Once at the game, though, all the cheers and shouts from fans scared her pretty badly. So we had to leave our seats with Arek’s mom and his brothers Jared and Tiffer to find a less noisy spot in the stadium. The first half was rough for her, but after a diaper change, getting on her warmer “bear” outfit, and feeding her (sitting on a toilet in the women’s room because there was no other place… definitely not very fun for mom!) the second half of the game went much better for Julie. All in all we had a great time, even though the U lost to BYU: 22 to 40.

A very tired Julie fell asleep in her stroller on the walk back to the car and slept most of the drive back to Kaysville where we had dinner with arek’s family. We were a little nervous about taking a 5 month old to a sporting event but it turned out really well. Julie is such a trouper. She and I are both super excited that Arek has this weekoff from school… lots of time for family!