Monday, May 31, 2010
Temptation Cupcakes

Thursday, May 20, 2010
We're Having a...
It has taken me a couple of days to update, but on Tuesday we had our 20 week appointment where we got to peek in on our little one. It was so amazing! Arek wasn't with me at my last ultrasound, and, honestly, you couldn't really see anything because I was only 6 weeks along. So being able to see what our baby looks like was so wonderful! We got to see all of the organs and the spine. We have a very ACTIVE baby! So active that the ultrasound technician couldn't get a decent picture of it's face. She did some 4D images for us (really, just 3D with the 4th dimension of time) of the baby's face so we could actually see it. Pretty much, it was the neatest experience to see our baby. Arek and I were both super excited to find out that we are having a GIRL! And here she is: (the images are blurry because our little girl was moving so much but hopefully you can see her face and arms/hands fairly well) 

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
After almost two years of marriage having very little furniture, Arek and I finally bought a coffee table and two end tables (we finally bought a sofa a few months ago when our futon died). My favorite part? They are REAL wood and have rounded edges. :) The photos aren't the greatest but they give the general idea
For Mumsie
So... since hardly anyone looks at this blog and those who do already knew (I hope) I never announced that I am pregnant. If anyone didn't know... surprise! We are SO excited! We're a little over 18 weeks now and get to find out if we are having a boy or a girl in about 2 weeks (hopefully... if the baby cooperates). Anyway, since my family lives in England (until June... can't wait for them to come HOME!) my mom has been pestering me for prego photos. So mom, these are for you. :)
Arek says this is my favorite pasttime now (I admit, it really was for the first 12 weeks but I am rarely this tired during the day anymore)
Here is me and the "bump" at 16 weeks
My first maternity shirt... I probably didn't need it at the time, but it was such a good deal I couldn't help myself!
Same shirt, different view
Now this one was not my idea but Arek coerced me until I agreed... too exaggarated, or is this what I should expect? :)
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